We’ve now passed our code freeze date for our next VLE update, and we are in our "testing
and bug fixing" phase ahead of the code deployment on Tuesday 4th
my last post we've made the decision to use Moodle 2.3 for the
December release. We completed a load
testing programme in mid-October, and we’re now confident that the system will
be able to carry the load we’re currently seeing – and have quite a lot of
headroom too to cope with further growth.
December update is going to be a fairly major one for the platform taking us
from Moodle 2.2 to 2.3 in addition to adding new features, and we’ll be warning users that they should
expect the system to be out of service for up to 2 hours early on 4th December. There will be notices on both StudentHome and
TutorHome, warning users that the system is going to be unavailable once we've confirmed the timing.
we’ve gone into testing, we’ve also been able to start to firm up the catalog of
features we expect to include the December release. As always this list comes with the caveat that if a major problem appears during testing we might need to hold back a
feature to the March update.
I mentioned last month the December release will include STACK, our new tool
for assessing and teaching mathematics, changes to OU Annotate and the
introduction of a new content handling mechanism to support the new suite of
apps that are being developed for the OU Anywhere project.
addition we’re also adding tools that allow interactive ebooks (in epub3
format) to be produced automatically.
We’ve also finally had a chance to migrate the Repository activity from
Moodle 1.9 to run in Moodle 2.3.
we finalise the release features we’ll be putting together a set of release
notes which will appear on the Online Learning Systems website.
expected at this time of year, we are seeing plenty of students making use of
the VLE. Over the last few weeks we’ve
seen an average of just over 41,000 unique students visit the main VLE each day, and the total traffic on the system averaging just over 800,000 transactions daily.
usual we are again seeing our ‘normal’ fluctuation in traffic over the course
of the week – with our peak traffic (typically 50,000 unique users,
generating over 1,000,000 transactions) on Mondays, which gradually drops off
to our ‘quiet’ day on Saturday, before picking up again on Sunday to another
peak on the following Monday.
final topic I want to mention, is to give you an update on how the Learning
Systems team are continuing to work with the wider Moodle community.
the end of October two members of the Learning Systems team attended the Moodle DeveloperConference in Perth in Western Australia
event addressed a lot of the challenges facing both us and other large-scale Moodle users.
hopefully that in the short term, changes to the way that Moodle uses caches
will improve our performance once we get to Moodle 2.4 (hopefully in mid 2013). And that some of the other suggestions and
ideas will make a significant difference to both features we use and to overall performance with
later versions of Moodle.